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Why Choose Final Expense Services?

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A step by step training program including a daily training call for our agents.

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Agent Hotline support when you are in homes.  No more "winging it" as a new agent!


Access to exclusive leads.  No more working leads that 15+ other agents have worked.


Extensive lineup of carriers for you to use.  This also helps agents get started that can't get a release.

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Free Lead Programs

We have a FLP for Field Agents and for Telesales Agents.  This helps agents get going that otherwise could not afford to start a consistent lead order.


Our agents are all connected in our "community chat".  This allows you to be a part of something even though you are an independent agent.

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For agents that want MORE after they master personal production, we have the builder program.  We train you, get you the tools, give you recruits, etc.

Office Building Hall

Final Expense Services is a full service organization for agents.  We provide industry leading training, support, leads and systems.  We focus on helping agents run their business the RIGHT way.  

Our main goal is to show agents a duplicatable system that will allow them to stay in business for many years.  We do not hire agents and push them to recruiting.  We believe in having a system in place that allows an agent to survive on the business they are able to produce.

Even if you are with another organization that does not release, we have a solution for you!

No Contract to Sign
Recruiting Not Required
Vested Day 1
Daily Advanced Commissions
Non Captive
Management Opportunities

WhO is final expense services?

Figure Out Your weekly Lead Quantity in the calculator, then pick the program that suits you!

Setting Goals

Setting realistic goals is extremely important.  There are agents out there that can make $15,000 per week on just 15 leads, but you should not use that as the normal expectation.  It is best to start with a very obtainable goal and then adjust as you see what caliber of agent you are.


If you are planning on buying leads, it is important to remain consistent each week.  If you have your own system for leads, you can still use the average numbers to determine how many of those leads you will need per week.


Start by setting a yearly Annualized Premium (AP) goal.  Once you have that number, type it in the calculator to the left to see how many leads per week it would take an average agent working to hit that goal.


If your starting budget for this business will not allow for you to purchase the amount of leads the calculator says you will need, then adjust your starting goal or find a way to come up with additional capital to start your business.  You can also start with our Free Lead Program until you can afford the amount of leads needed each week.


Once you have a goal set that you want to hit, it is time to determine the program you need to start on!


Learn About the Opportunity:

Click below to get a detailed explanation of how the Final Expense Business works, how you get paid and the type of clients you will be working with!

Start the Licensing Process:

A dedicated individual could become licensed in a single WEEK!  You will need to complete the online pre-licensing course, then pass the exam.  Click Below to start that process!

What's Next?

The next step is to view our different programs to see which one is the best fit for you!
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"Being with a company that the owner is plugged into the community everyday is powerful.  I have finally found my home!" ~Christine

Follow Us on Social Media!

Fill out the form below to learn more about our services & programs!
Filling out this form is the slowest process for speaking with us.  Due to a high number of requests each day, we can not get to these forms quick enough.  It is best to take the time to click the page above (Face to Face or Telesales) and follow the steps on those pages!

Thank you reaching out! I will respond ASAP!

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